“Tickles” may bridge the gap between two approaches to the “Death in Damascus” problem that this thinker outlined with William Harper. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this thinker who developed norm-expressivism in Wise Choices, Apt Feelings. With Mark Satterthwaite, this thinker names a voting theorem that is analogous to Arrow’s impossibility theorem.
ANSWER: Allan Gibbard [or Allan Fletcher Gibbard; accept Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem]
[10e] Gibbard and Harper defined two types of decision theory: “evidential” and one named for this phenomenon. Hume argued that our belief in this phenomenon arises from the “constant conjunction” of two events.
ANSWER: causation [accept word forms like causality or causes; accept causal decision theory; accept cause and effect]
[10h] Description acceptable. Causal decision theory recommends this solution to Newcomb’s problem, since this action dominates the alternative and your choice cannot influence the prior actions of the Predictor.
ANSWER: two-boxing [accept descriptions of taking both boxes] (In the 2020 Philpapers survey, 38 percent of respondents were two-boxers, 33 percent were one-boxers, and 30 percent were undecided.)