A gilt eagle named for this person is mounted on a vase and displayed in the Louvre alongside the French crown jewels. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this royal advisor who was convinced by Bernard of Clairvaux’s Apologia to devote himself to religious life. He later unsuccessfully lobbied Louis VII not to join the Second Crusade.
ANSWER: Abbot Suger (“soo-zhair”) [or Abbé Suger; or Sugerius; accept Suger’s Eagle or Aigle du Suger]
[10h] Suger (“soo-zhair”) briefly stayed at this pope’s court. Letters attributed to this pope appear in his namesake codex, which served as a guide for pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago.
ANSWER: Pope Callixtus II [prompt on Pope Callixtus or Codex Calixtinus]
[10e] Callixtus II ended the investiture controversy by signing a concordat with Henry V in this Rhenish city, where Charles V later issued an edict branding Martin Luther a heretic.
ANSWER: Worms [or Free Imperial City of Worms or Freie Reichsstadt Worms; accept Concordat of Worms or Wormser Konkordat; accept Diet of Worms, Edict of Worms, Reichstag zu Worms, or Wormser Edikt]
<European History>