A class of these circuit elements called transferred electron devices are used in oscillators to produce microwaves. Quantum tunneling allows a class of these devices named for Leo Esaki (“eh-SAH-key”) to exhibit negative resistance. Four of these devices are arranged in a diamond shape in a bridge rectifier. These devices have an exponential I-V (“eye-vee”) relationship according to the Shockley equation. Past the breakdown voltage, these devices can conduct in both directions. On circuit diagrams, these devices are represented by a triangle touching a line. For 10 points, name these circuit elements that only let current flow in one direction and come in a “light-emitting” type. ■END■
ANSWER: diodes [accept light-emitting diodes or Gunn diodes or Esaki diodes; prompt on LEDs]
= Average correct buzz position
2024 ACF Fall at Cornell | fall | Y | 9 | 78% | 0% | 44% | 76.00 |
2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State | fall | Y | 8 | 75% | 0% | 50% | 72.67 |
2024 ACF Fall at Washington | fall | Y | 6 | 100% | 0% | 33% | 74.00 |
2024 ACF Fall at Georgia | fall | Y | 10 | 100% | 0% | 60% | 80.70 |
2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina | fall | Y | 9 | 78% | 0% | 56% | 95.43 |
2024 ACF Fall at Claremont Colleges | fall | Y | 5 | 100% | 0% | 40% | 67.80 |
2024 ACF Fall at Rutgers | fall | Y | 8 | 100% | 0% | 50% | 79.38 |
2024 ACF Fall at Rutgers | fall | Y | 8 | 88% | 0% | 50% | 72.57 |
2024 ACF Fall at Illinois | fall | Y | 9 | 89% | 0% | 44% | 49.38 |
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Parker McCoig | Tennessee A | Vanderbilt A | 23 | 10 |
Florian Chiu | UW Sloth | UW Chastity | 28 | -5 |
Fish Tsai (DII) | UCSD | USC | 28 | 10 |
Ezra Santos | Chicago A | Notre Dame B | 28 | 10 |
Ishaan Singh | Purdue B | Notre Dame A | 28 | 10 |
Jason Qin (DII) | Columbia J (DII) | Fordham A | 29 | 10 |
Jason Thieu (DII) | Michigan State A | West Virginia A (UG) | 30 | 10 |
Matthew Wang | UBC B | Arizona State A | 30 | 10 |
Zaid Asif (DII) | NYU A (UG) | Penn B (DII) | 30 | -5 |
Davis Johnson | Purdue C | Purdue A | 30 | 10 |
Derek Chen (UG) | Columbia A (UG) | Penn A (DII) | 32 | 10 |
Lucas Shedlock (UG) | Princeton A (UG) | NYU B | 33 | 10 |
Alex Chen (DII) | Claremont C | Claremont B | 35 | -5 |
Azura Gollamudi | Northwestern B | Illinois D | 35 | 10 |
Brian Hoff | Cornell B | Penn State | 36 | -5 |
Henry Bylinowski | Auburn A | Georgia Tech C | 36 | -5 |
Andrew Nucci (DII) | UCLA E | Claremont A | 36 | 10 |
Neilesh Shroti (UG) | Columbia B | Columbia A (UG) | 40 | -5 |
Tianyu Xu | Georgia Tech A | Auburn C | 42 | -5 |
Anthony Fangqing Yu (UG) | UCLA A | UCLA C | 42 | -5 |
Jason Lee (DII) | Rutgers A (UG) | Columbia B | 42 | -5 |
Ethan Ma | Illinois B | Chicago B | 42 | -5 |
Sidhant Chaliha (DII) | Princeton A (UG) | Maryland B (DII) | 44 | -5 |
Jonathan Bost | Liberty B | UNC C | 45 | -5 |
Anna Kuang | Cornell E | Cornell C | 46 | 10 |
Alec Riso | Cornell D | Syracuse | 46 | 10 |
Elijah O'Sick Johnson | Binghamton C | U of Rochester B | 46 | -5 |
Nathan Wodicka (UG) | Miami B (UG) | CWRU A (UG) | 46 | -5 |
Darrien Liang | UW Wrath | Alberta | 46 | 10 |
Alex Hestermann | UW Pride | UW Greed | 46 | -5 |
Nathan Whittington | Tennessee B | Emory A | 46 | 10 |
Aaron Taylor | Mississippi State A | Clemson A | 46 | -5 |
Knykolas Ross | Southern | Vanderbilt B | 46 | -5 |
Aidan Jones | Liberty A | Virginia | 46 | -5 |
Justin Reeves | VCU | William & Mary | 46 | 10 |
Vinayak Singh Bhadoriya | NYU B | Bard A (UG) | 46 | -5 |
Samay Math | WashU B | Illinois A | 46 | -5 |
Sebastian Pujet | WashU A | Illinois C | 46 | -5 |
Galen Song | Illinois C | WashU A | 46 | 10 |
Ryan DiBacco (UG) | West Virginia B (UG) | CWRU B (DII) | 47 | 10 |
John Shields | Clemson B | Emory Oxford | 47 | 10 |
Danny Cutbill | RIT A | RIT C | 48 | 10 |
Joseph Cole | UNC B | Tusculum | 48 | -5 |
Ishan Joshi (DII) | Rutgers B | Rowan A (DII) | 48 | 10 |
Vincent Zhang (DII) | Penn A (DII) | Fordham A | 49 | 10 |
Zaid Asif (DII) | NYU A (UG) | Maryland A (DII) | 49 | -5 |
Kevin Cronk | Virginia Tech B | James Madison A | 50 | -5 |
Jonathan Zhang | Cornell F | Cornell A | 51 | -5 |
Rafeed Rahman Turjya | Georgia A | Georgia Tech E | 51 | -5 |
Beckett Gilmore (DII) | Jefferson County Scholars (DII) | Michigan State B | 53 | -5 |
Daniel Craig | Rutgers B | Lehigh B (DII) | 53 | 10 |
Brian Chen | Cornell G | Binghamton B | 58 | -5 |
Taman Truong | Arizona State B | Boise State | 58 | 10 |
Pranet Sirkonda (DII) | Ohio State C (DII) | CWRU C (UG) | 59 | -5 |
Brielle Rach | Iowa A | SIUE | 59 | 10 |
Sam Hicks-Jirkans (DII) | Ohio State B (DII) | Miami C (DII) | 64 | -5 |
Daniel Kozintsev | Illinois A | WashU B | 65 | 10 |
Kevin Liu (DII) | Maryland B (DII) | Lehigh B (DII) | 67 | -5 |
Asheton Wilbanks | Clemson A | Mississippi State A | 69 | 10 |
Stephen Barstys (UG) | Michigan B (UG) | Miami A (UG) | 71 | 10 |
Leonard Castine (DII) | Penn B (DII) | Rutgers A (UG) | 71 | -5 |
Ishan Pachauri (DII) | UCLA D | UCLA B | 72 | 10 |
Quinn Vaughen | RIT B | Binghamton A | 80 | 10 |
Dennis Yang (DII) | Michigan A (UG) | Ohio State A (UG) | 80 | 10 |
Natalee Vernon (DII) | Miami C (DII) | Ohio State B (DII) | 82 | 0 |
Joshua Davenport | Georgia Tech D | Auburn B | 82 | -5 |
Steven McPhillimey (UG) | Lehigh A (UG) | Bard A (UG) | 86 | 10 |
Trenton Burgess | Indiana | Iowa B | 86 | -5 |
Leonard Castine (DII) | Penn B (DII) | NYU A (UG) | 89 | 10 |
Michael Li | Duke B | James Madison B | 97 | -5 |
Rohit Chintala (DII) | Maryland B (DII) | Princeton A (UG) | 97 | 10 |
Aidan Deshong (DII) | Claremont B | Claremont C | 99 | 10 |
Alan Fan | UW Envy | UW Gluttony | 103 | 10 |
Euan McCubbin | UW Chastity | UW Sloth | 103 | 10 |
Matthew Bray | Auburn C | Georgia Tech A | 103 | 10 |
Aaryan Tomar | Georgia Tech C | Auburn A | 103 | 10 |
Malachi Ledford | Tusculum | UNC B | 103 | 10 |
Will Hackbarth | Virginia | Liberty A | 103 | 10 |
Victor Bender | Penn State | Cornell B | 104 | 10 |
Kritanu Saha | Cornell A | Cornell F | 104 | 0 |
Bianca Van Zile | Binghamton B | Cornell G | 104 | 0 |
Aidan Keenan | U of Rochester A | ESF | 104 | 10 |
Sammy Carstens | U of Rochester B | Binghamton C | 104 | 10 |
Varun Ambalavanan (DII) | CWRU C (UG) | Ohio State C (DII) | 104 | 10 |
Henry Nonnemaker (DII) | CWRU A (UG) | Miami B (UG) | 104 | 10 |
Landon Davidson | UW Greed | UW Pride | 104 | 10 |
Clark Quenzler | Georgia Tech E | Georgia A | 104 | 10 |
TJ Pickering | Auburn B | Georgia Tech D | 104 | 10 |
Justin Hetrick | Belmont | South Carolina A | 104 | 10 |
Sambodh Sinha | Vanderbilt B | Southern | 104 | 10 |
Nathan Sprouse | Virginia Tech A | Appalachian State B | 104 | 10 |
Ali Frame | James Madison B | Duke B | 104 | 10 |
Soren Heydari | UNC C | Liberty B | 104 | 10 |
Cameron Wiliams | Appalachian State A | UNC A | 104 | 0 |
Koji Bilbao | Duke A | Liberty C | 104 | 10 |
Asish Madarapu | UNC A | Appalachian State A | 104 | 0 |
Ayush Patel (DII) | UCLA C | UCLA A | 104 | 10 |
Claire Wilson (UG) | Lehigh A (UG) | Rowan A (DII) | 104 | 10 |
Jack Stuhlman (DII) | Lehigh B (DII) | Maryland B (DII) | 104 | 10 |
Andrew Yang | Columbia B | Rutgers A (UG) | 104 | 10 |
Emmett Cho | Chicago B | Illinois B | 104 | 10 |
Olin Bose (DII) | Columbia A (UG) | Columbia B | 105 | 10 |
Andy Yu (DII) | Maryland A (DII) | NYU A (UG) | 105 | 10 |
Jason Lee (DII) | Rutgers A (UG) | Penn B (DII) | 105 | 10 |