
The speaker of a poem by this author promises that all of his “muscle, sinew, and vein / which tile this house, will come again” after he “contributes his firmness” to a glass pane he engraves. In another poem by this author, the speaker describes the “mintage” of his own tears, which are “coined” by the addressee’s (15[1])face. One of two objects in a third poem by this (15[1])author “leans and (15[1])harkens” after the (15[1])other and “grows erect” as the other “comes (15[1])home.” The (-5[1])speaker cautions the addressee not to (15[1])make (10[1])(*) “sigh-tempests move” in a poem by this author that (10[1])opens, “As virtuous (10[1])men pass (10[1])mildly (10[1])away.” In comparing himself and (10[1])his lover to two arms on a (10[4])compass, this poet (10[4])wrote, “Thy firmness makes (10[1])my circle (10[3])just.” For (10[1])10 points, name this poet who wrote Valedictions “of (10[1])Weeping” and (10[1])“Forbidding Mourning.” (10[1]0[2])■END■

ANSWER: John Donne (the unnamed poem is “A Valediction of My Name, in the Window”)
<Darren Petrosino, British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 Penn Bowl (Harvard)10/21/2023Y3100%33%0%104.33
2023 Penn Bowl (Mainsite)10/21/2023Y7100%29%0%105.43
2023 Penn Bowl (Norcal)10/28/2023Y2100%100%0%82.00
2023 Penn Bowl (South Central)10/28/2023Y3100%0%0%118.67
2023 Penn Bowl (UK)10/28/2023Y5100%20%0%108.40
2023 Penn Bowl @ Waterloo10/28/2023Y4100%0%25%114.00
2023 Penn Bowl @ UNC10/28/2023Y3100%0%0%124.33
2023 Penn Bowl @ FSU10/28/2023Y250%0%0%127.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Nathan ZhangCornell BUMD A5715
Paul SteeplesOld London Town3HK1MM6815
Raymond WangCornell ARutgers7115
Eve FleisigBerkeley ABerkeley B7415
Nathan SheffieldMITBrown8215
Jared HeWaterloo HatsuneLibrary of Babel School of Continuing Studies84-5
Eric WolfsbergStanfordBerkeley C9015
Joy AnHarvardBoston College9110
Oliver HargraveBetrayed by Rita IzzatdustFoucault's Penndulum10010
Caleb OttWaterloo MikuMixed-Affiliated Contingency, Off the Team & Absent: Wong, Adrian10310
Raymond ChenToronto RoflToronto Joy10510
Jisoo YooTexas ARice10610
Eshan PantNYUUMD B11110
Danny PeelenPittJHU A11810
Jack RadoColumbia BColumbia A11810
Sam FooTabearnacleEdinburgh11810
Daoud JacksonBroken HeartsScottish, Irish, Both or Neither11810
Tony ChenToronto WearyLa Clique du Château12110
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay AJHU B12110
Kassidy LongOklahoma BOklahoma A12110
Jim FanUNC BUSC A12110
Vincent DuUNC AUSC B12510
Henry AtkinsLibrary of Babel School of Continuing StudiesWaterloo Hatsune12710
Sean FarrellNorth FloridaFSU B12710
Ivan StanisavljevicDuke AUNC C12710
Owen GilroyTexas CTexas B12910
Andrew Rout10 Negs that Shook the QuizYes, Moderator13810
Eli IssoksonBrandeisTufts14010
Reed LouisFSU AFlorida B1420
Bill ZhaoFlorida BFSU A1420
Cade ReinbergerRITSwarthmore14210