
Anthony Pontabry and Juliette Lévy led teams in a four-year public restoration of this artwork that concluded in 2022. One part of this artwork includes a raven bringing bread above some trees as a deer sits in between two men. This artwork’s patron Guido Guersi (-5[1])is depicted kneeling in front of St. Augustine, part of its gilded polychrome sculptures carved (15[1])by Nicolas of (15[1])Haguenau. (15[1]-5[1])In this artwork, (15[1])a small (15[2])(*) lamb carrying (-5[1])a cross (10[2])stands (-5[1])next to John the Baptist, accompanied by the Latin (-5[1])quote “He must increase, but I must decrease.” A giant orb of orange light (10[1])accompanies Jesus in this artwork’s Resurrection panel. (-5[1])The unusual sores in the crucifixion scene of this artwork were meant to reflect (10[1])patients (10[1])with ergotism treated at the Monastery of St. Anthony. For 10 points, name this altarpiece by (10[1])Matthias (-5[1])Grünewald. (10[2])■END■ (10[5]0[4])

ANSWER: Isenheim Altarpiece
<Jeremy Tsai, Visual Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 Penn Bowl (Mainsite)10/21/2023Y683%33%33%99.00
2023 Penn Bowl (Harvard)10/21/2023Y2100%50%0%101.50
2023 Penn Bowl (UK)10/28/2023Y5100%20%40%106.20
2023 Penn Bowl @ Waterloo10/28/2023Y475%25%25%85.67
2023 Penn Bowl (Norcal)10/28/2023Y2100%50%50%97.50
2023 Penn Bowl (South Central)10/28/2023Y20%0%50%0.00
2023 Penn Bowl @ FSU10/28/2023Y2100%0%0%135.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aum MundheRutgersColumbia A44-5
Steven YuanBerkeley BStanford5915
Raymond WangCornell AUMD B6215
Nathan ZhangCornell BJohn Jay6315
AnuttamBerkeley CBerkeley A63-5
Jason HongBrownMIT6615
Kane NguyenMixed-Affiliated Contingency, Off the Team & Absent: Wong, AdrianLa Clique du Château6815
Max Fitz-JamesFour Neg Omelette10 Negs that Shook the Quiz6815
Jack RadoColumbia BUMD B70-5
Sky LiToronto WearyWaterloo Hatsune7210
Justin Lee3HK1MMBroken Hearts7210
Jamie Keschner-LycettYes, ModeratorTabearnacle73-5
Ryan HumphreyTexas BTexas C82-5
Eshan PantNYUJHU A9610
CalebWaterloo MikuToronto Rofl103-5
Henry AtkinsLibrary of Babel School of Continuing StudiesToronto Joy11710
Oliver HargraveBetrayed by Rita IzzatdustEdinburgh11810
Jonathan HunterFlorida BFSU A13410
Harry ScullyFoucault's PenndulumScottish, Irish, Both or Neither135-5
NathanielBerkeley ABerkeley C13610
Claire JonesScottish, Irish, Both or NeitherFoucault's Penndulum13610
Sean FarrellNorth FloridaFSU B13710
Joy AnHarvardBoston College13710
Danny PeelenUMD BColumbia B13710
John John GrogerColumbia ARutgers13710
Cade ReinbergerRITJHU B1370
Albert DoanJHU BRIT1370
Letian LiRiceTexas A1370
Jisoo YooTexas ARice1370
Sam FooTabearnacleYes, Moderator13710