Michael Webb and Stephen Krasner used economic growth rates as one measure of this concept in a paper called an “empirical assessment” that analyzes whether it decreased in the 1960s. Robert Gilpin theorized a kind of war named for this concept as an explanation of Thucydides’ description of the start of the Peloponnesian War. Charles Kindleberger argued that only states denoted by this concept can provide the collective good of an open and persistent international economic order. A (*) Robert Keohane (“KOE-hahn”) book titled After [this concept] coined the name of a “stability theory” named for it that is exemplified by the Pax Britannica. Antonio Gramsci developed a “cultural” theory of this concept. For 10 points, give this name for a state of predominance for a country in international relations. ■END■
- Total Buzzes
- Correct Buzzes
2023 Penn Bowl (Harvard) | 10/21/2023 | Y | 3 | 33% | 0% | 67% | 110.00 |
2023 Penn Bowl (Mainsite) | 10/21/2023 | Y | 7 | 86% | 0% | 14% | 107.50 |
2023 Penn Bowl (Norcal) | 10/28/2023 | Y | 2 | 100% | 0% | 50% | 115.50 |
2023 Penn Bowl (South Central) | 10/28/2023 | Y | 3 | 67% | 0% | 33% | 117.00 |
2023 Penn Bowl (UK) | 10/28/2023 | Y | 5 | 100% | 20% | 40% | 107.60 |
2023 Penn Bowl @ Waterloo | 10/28/2023 | Y | 4 | 100% | 0% | 25% | 105.75 |
2023 Penn Bowl @ UNC | 10/28/2023 | Y | 3 | 100% | 0% | 33% | 121.67 |
2023 Penn Bowl @ FSU | 10/28/2023 | Y | 2 | 50% | 0% | 100% | 101.00 |
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Graham Cope | Florida A | North Florida | 45 | -5 |
Omer Keskin | Betrayed by Rita Izzatdust | Four Neg Omelette | 76 | 15 |
Henry Atkins | Library of Babel School of Continuing Studies | Waterloo Hatsune | 84 | 10 |
Aidan Tee | Yes, Moderator | Scottish, Irish, Both or Neither | 84 | -5 |
Ryan Carmichael | FSU A | FSU B | 91 | -5 |
Nathan Zhang | Cornell B | Columbia A | 91 | 10 |
Justin Lee | 3HK1MM | Edinburgh | 91 | -5 |
Yared Tadesse | Cornell A | UMD A | 92 | 10 |
Anuttam | Berkeley C | Stanford | 93 | -5 |
Jim Fan | UNC B | UNC A | 94 | -5 |
Franklin Wu | Toronto Rofl | Mixed-Affiliated Contingency, Off the Team & Absent: Wong, Adrian | 99 | -5 |
James Mangraviti | Boston College | Tufts | 100 | -5 |
Sean Farrell | North Florida | Florida A | 101 | 10 |
Nathan Sheffield | MIT | Harvard | 101 | -5 |
Ben Rotko | Swarthmore | Rutgers | 101 | -5 |
Brendan Bethlehem | Tabearnacle | 10 Negs that Shook the Quiz | 101 | 10 |
Nick Edwards | La Clique du Chateau | Waterloo Miku | 104 | 10 |
Geoffrey Wu | COlumbia B | jhu | 104 | 10 |
Ben Beardsley | Old London Town | Foucault's Penndulum | 106 | 10 |
Gareth Thorlakson | Toronto Weary | Toronto Joy | 107 | 10 |
Shahar Schwartz | Berkeley A | Berkeley B | 107 | 10 |
Ryan Humphrey | Texas B | Texas A | 107 | 10 |
Jason Hong | Brown | Brandeis | 110 | 10 |
Jerry Vinokurov | John Jay A | NYU | 110 | 10 |
Jack Oberman | USC A | Duke A | 110 | 10 |
Christopher Lloyd | Oklahoma B | Rice | 116 | -5 |
Patrick Torre | UMD B | RIT | 121 | 10 |
Andrew | Stanford | Berkeley C | 124 | 10 |
Lexi Terman | Rutgers | Swarthmore | 127 | 10 |
Oliver Wu | Oklahoma A | Texas C | 127 | 10 |
George Charlson | Scottish, Irish, Both or Neither | Yes, Moderator | 127 | 10 |
Vedong Singhal | UNC A | UNC B | 127 | 10 |
Kane Nguyen | Mixed-Affiliated Contingency, Off the Team & Absent: Wong, Adrian | Toronto Rofl | 128 | 10 |
Danny Peelen | Pitt | JHU B | 128 | 0 |
Aneesh Swaminathan | JHU B | Pitt | 128 | 0 |
Rahul Kumar | Rice | Oklahoma B | 128 | 0 |
Joe Terrey | Edinburgh | 3HK1MM | 128 | 10 |
Pranav Kalaga | USC B | UNC C | 128 | 0 |
Jeffery Austin | UNC C | USC B | 128 | 10 |