
In a story collected by Ella Deloria, a race that becomes these animals uses a bundle of relics called “the knot in the tree” to hunt humans. The Mosairu Kachina resembles an anthropomorphic one of these animals. After these animals seemingly disappear, two men head south and (15[1])encounter a waka figure named for them, who floats above the (15[1])ground. Crows would warn these animals of the approach of humans according to a legend (-5[1])of the (10[1])(*) Blackfeet. A maiden who brought one (-5[1])tribe the (10[1])Seven Sacred (10[1])Rites is named for her (10[2])transformation into a (10[1])white and young (10[1])one of these (-5[2])animals. After gathering their bodies from “jumps” like (10[4])Head-Smashed-In, (10[2])groups like (10[1])the (10[1])Arapaho would utilize all (10[1])parts of their (10[2])bodies. For 10 (10[1])points, name these large mammals that feature in stories (10[1])about hunting told by the (10[1])Lakota and (10[1])Sioux. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: buffalo [or American bison; accept White Buffalo Calf Woman]
<Taylor Harvey, Mythology>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 Penn Bowl (Mainsite)10/21/2023Y7100%14%29%104.57
2023 Penn Bowl (Harvard)10/21/2023Y3100%0%0%98.00
2023 Penn Bowl (UK)10/28/2023Y5100%20%0%97.40
2023 Penn Bowl @ Waterloo10/28/2023Y4100%0%25%97.75
2023 Penn Bowl (Norcal)10/28/2023Y1100%0%0%108.00
2023 Penn Bowl (South Central)10/28/2023Y3100%0%33%124.67
2023 Penn Bowl @ FSU10/28/2023Y2100%0%0%104.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jack RadoColumbia BRIT4715
Daoud JacksonBroken HeartsBetrayed by Rita Izzatdust5815
Mitchell ShaddenTexas ATexas C73-5
Colin VeeversLibrary of Babel School of Continuing StudiesToronto Weary7510
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay ARutgers81-5
Micah ColmanWaterloo MikuMixed-Affiliated Contingency, Off the Team & Absent: Wong, Adrian8310
John John GrogerColumbia ASwarthmore8510
Sean FarrellNorth FloridaFlorida B9010
Theodore BenzmillerBoston CollegeBrandeis9010
Jason HongBrownHarvard9310
Jared HeWaterloo HatsuneToronto Joy9610
Joey SunToronto RoflLa Clique du Château99-5
Samuel WangPIttNYU99-5
Raymond WangCornell AJHU B10710
Matt BoothFour Neg OmeletteYes, Moderator10710
Conrad Freidson10 Negs that Shook the QuizEdinburgh10710
Kai MadgwickFoucault's PenndulumTabearnacle10710
RyanbBerkeley CStanford10810
Claire JonesScottish, Irish, Both or NeitherOld London Town10810
Caleb KendrickUMD AUMD B11010
Ethan SiskelTuftsMIT11110
Ryan HumphreyTexas BOklahoma B11510
Graham CopeFlorida AFSU B11810
Nathan ZhangCornell BJHU A11810
Evelina TcherniakRiceOklahoma12110
Lexi TermanRutgersJohn Jay A13010
Owen MimnoNYUPItt13510
Maude-Sophie LockmanLa Clique du ChâteauToronto Rofl13710
Owen GilroyTexas CTexas A13810