Answer the following about the “three teachings” of Chinese religion: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. For 10 points each:
[10h] In this traditional subject of many Chinese paintings, men with sour, bitter, and sweet expressions, representing the three teachings, sit around a vat.
ANSWER: the Three Vinegar Tasters [prompt on partial answer]
[10e] The three teachings combined to form Sanyiism, an example of this process in which different faiths are combined to form a new teaching, such as in Candomblé and Santeria.
ANSWER: religious syncretism [accept word forms such as syncretic]
[10m] In a Chinese proverb, Huiyuan (“HWAY-yehn”) and his two companions, representing the three teachings, engage in this action after crossing Tiger Brook. The monk Budai, also called Hotai, is often named for doing this action.
ANSWER: laughing [or laughter; or Laughing Buddha; or Three Laughs at Tiger Brook; or smiling; or xiào]
<Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford, Religion>