
Small boats called kwassa-kwassa are often used by illegal immigrants from one of these polities to the other. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these two polities that form an archipelago. The only time France used its Security Council veto alone was to condemn a resolution arguing that one of these polities should control the other, instead of France.
ANSWER: The Comoros AND Mayotte [accept Union of the Comoros; or Udzima wa Komori; or Union des Comores; or Jamhuriyat al-Qumur al-Mutahida in place of “Comoros”; accept Department of Mayotte or Département de Mayotte in place of “Mayotte”]
[10e] Both the Comoros and Mayotte are historically part of a culture named for this Bantu group. This group’s namesake language is a major East African lingua franca.
ANSWER: Swahili [or Kiswahili]
[10m] Many Swahili people claim descent from this modern-day country, a claim backed by a 2023 study. Comorian president Ahmed Abdallah Sambi was nicknamed for a leader of this country after studying in its city of Qom (“GOME”).
ANSWER: Iran [or Islamic Republic of Iran; or Jomhuri-ye Eslâmi-ye Irân; or Persia] (His nickname is “Ayatollah”)
<Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford, World History>

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La Clique du ChâteauToronto Joy010010
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North FloridaFlorida B010010
BrandeisBoston College0101020
UMD AColubmia B010010
Cornell BRIT010010
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JHU ASwarthmore010010
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Scottish, Irish, Both or Neither3HK1MM010010
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Broken HeartsTabearnacle10101030
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10 Negs that Shook the QuizFoucault's Penndulum0101020
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