A novel from this country opens “I have lice, again,” spoken by the unnamed narrator who can turn on a coil in his apartment that lets him have gravity-free sex with his girlfriend. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this country, home to the author of Solenoid. Ballet numbers feature in a play from this country in which a character named Ear transforms into the horse Clytemnestra.
ANSWER: Romania (the play is Tristan Tzara's The Gas Heart.)
[10e] In interviews, Mircea Cărtărescu has cited this author's diaries as a major inspiration for his novel Solenoid. This author urged his editor Max Brod to destroy the manuscripts for his novels The Trial and The Castle.
ANSWER: Franz Kafka
[10m] Early in Solenoid, its narrator is shredded for his terrible seven-part poem with this name. The judge-penitent Jean-Baptiste Clemence delivers a series of monologues in an Amsterdam bar in a novel with this name.
ANSWER: The Fall [accept La Chute] (the second novel is by Albert Camus.)
<Emmett Laurie, European Literature>