These two operators are multiplied by hyperbolic trig functions in the Bogoliubov transformation. For 10 points each:
[10m] Identify this pair of operators, denoted “a” and “a-dagger”, which are used to increase or lower the quanta of energy of a state. These operators were introduced to solve the quantum harmonic oscillator.
ANSWER: ladder operators [accept creation and annihilation operators]
[10h] In the occupation number representation, the ladder operators add or remove particles for multi-particle states in this space, which is a direct sum of tensor products of single-particle Hilbert spaces.
ANSWER: Fock space
[10e] The potential energy of the classical harmonic oscillator is given by this law, which states it is equal to one-half times spring constant times displacement squared.
ANSWER: Hooke’s law
<Leo Law, Physics>