In 2016, Guido Bacciagaluppi and Elisa Crull discovered Grete Hermann’s paper arguing that an argument disproving these theories was circular, as it wouldn’t hold over an extended theory. For 10 points each:
[10m] Give this class of theorems which attempts to explain quantum mechanics via namesake hypothetical entities. Bell’s theorem says that quantum mechanics is incompatible with local versions of these theories.
ANSWER: hidden variable theories
[10e] Hermann was defending Kant’s law of this concept. David Hume used the example of one pool ball striking another to argue humans infer this concept from watching two successive events.
ANSWER: causality
[10h] Hermann studied under this neo-Kantian who developed a theory of autological words with Kurt Grelling, with whom he names a paradox about heterological words. He was a member of the neo-Friesian school.
ANSWER: Leonard Nelson
<Emmett Laurie, Philosophy>