In 2023, archaeologists found an address to Ceres and Bacchus from Virgil’s Georgics scribbled onto one of these objects in the Guadalquivir River. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these objects. Many broken examples of these objects inscribed with the words “tituli picti,” some of which are also adorned by Virgil quotes, make up the manmade Mount Testaccio.
ANSWER: amphorae [or amphoreús; prompt on pottery or vase]
[10e] At least thirty six known instances of Virgil-based graffiti have been found in Pompeii, which was buried by the explosion of this volcano in 79 AD.
ANSWER: Mount Vesuvius
[10m] Virgil’s line “They all fell silent,” was found on a tile in this region, where the Vindolanda tablets also contain Virgil etchings. The Battle of Mons Graupius is recounted in a biography largely set in this region by Tacitus.
ANSWER: Britannia [or Roman Britain]
<Emmett Laurie, Other History>