
The Brahimi Report, issued in 2000, argued that people in this job should be ready to take action in as little as 30 days. Thom Karremans, a Dutch leader of people in this job, ignominiously trusted the VRS to carry out a bus transfer in July 1995. People in this job under Canada’s (20[1])Romeo Dallaire working in the Great Lakes region (20[1])badly handled the aftermath of a plane crash that killed (0[1])(*) Juvénal Habyarimana (10[1])(“zhoo-ven-al hahb-yah-ree-MAH-nah”). In 2010, people in this job caused a cholera outbreak in Haiti. (10[1])People in this job were ineffective in controlling “Safe Areas” in Bosnia. Resolution 377A sent people in this job to Egypt in 1956 despite a British veto in the Security Council. For 10 points, name this blue-helmeted job of people deployed by the UN to manage conflicts. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: United Nations peacekeepers [prompt on anything mentioning people sent by the United Nations; prompt on soldiers or international police officers or UN officials or aid workers or Dutchbat; prompt on the Blue Helmets or the Blue Berets before “blue” is mentioned]
<Yingzhi Nyang, History - Cross, Historiography, and Miscellaneous&gt; ~25749~ &lt;Editor: Michael Bentley>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ethan BositaSt. Mark'sWinston Churchill A5220
Ian LuHunter ABelmont6020
Aatreyo BhattacharyyaMira LomaThomas Jefferson C700
Vishesh VermaTroyKinkaid7210
Rushil MurikinatiPlymouthUniversity Lab8410
Anthony ZhaoThomas Jefferson CMira Loma13210


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