
Theodore Beza wrote a letter to Heinrich Bullinger arguing that this event was evidence of a “universal conspiracy.” During this event, the son of Louise de Montmorency and leader of the Party of the Pastors was killed. Poet Philip Sidney took shelter with Ambassador Francis Walsingham during this event. This event shattered the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (20[1])(“SAN-zhur-MAN-on-LYE”). This event began shortly after the personal physician of King (*) Charles IX was sent to treat a man injured at the wedding of Margaret of Valois to Henry of Navarre. The Duke of Guise (“gheez”) threw Admiral Gaspard de Coligny (“gah-SPAR duh koh-LIN-yee”) out of a window in this event. For 10 points, name this 1572 event ordered by Catherine de Medici during which Parisian Huguenots were massacred. ■END■

ANSWER: St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre [or Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy; prompt on the attempted assassination of Admiral Gaspard de Coligny before mentioned by asking “What larger event was that part of?”; prompt on the French Wars of Religion]
<Michael Bentley, History - European - 1500-1900&gt; ~24805~ &lt;Editor: Michael Bentley>
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