
Although this artist was once credited with painting the Coronation altarpiece for the Baroncelli Chapel, most scholars now ascribe the altarpiece to his godson, Taddeo Gaddi. For one commission, this artist lined the lower register of a chapel with monochrome depictions of seven virtues (20[1])and vices. Angels despair above an inclined rock with a bare tree on top of it in this artist’s naturalistic depiction of the Lamentation. This artist trained in the workshop of the (*) Byzantine-influenced master Cimabue (“chee-mah-BOO-ay”). This artist included a deep blue ceiling fresco in his paintings for a building originally attached to the palace of Enrico Scrovegni. For 10 points, name this artist of the early Renaissance who painted the Arena Chapel. ■END■

ANSWER: Giotto (“JAW-toh”) [or Giotto di Bondone; prompt on di Bondone]
<Michael Bentley, Fine Arts - Painting - European to 1600&gt; ~25987~ &lt;Editor: Chandler West>
= Average correct buzz position


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Elliott LeeThomas Jefferson ABarrington A4320


2023 PACE NSC06/10/2023Y1100%100%0%43.00