
Hymen’s torch gets smoke in this woman’s eyes during her wedding. A man atoning for his crime against this woman sacrifices four bulls, four heifers, and a calf, and sees bees rising from their corpses. (20[1])This woman claims “I am taken, wrapped around by vast night,” after which a man weeps for seven months. A severed head repeats this woman’s name while floating downstream after its owner is killed by (20[1])(*) Maenads. (10[2])While fleeing from Aristaeus trying to rape her, this Auloniad nymph (10[1])dies after being bitten by a viper. After a man plays such sad music that even the Furies cry, Hades gives that man permission to rescue this woman; however, she disappears when he turns back to look at her. For 10 points, name this wife of Orpheus. ■END■

ANSWER: Eurydice
<Jaimie Carlson, RMP - Greco-Roman Mythology&gt; ~25799~ &lt;Editor: Jaimie Carlson>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Kevin PengWinston Churchill ASt. Mark's3420
Evan SchleckHunter ABelmont6920
Anthony ZhaoThomas Jefferson CMira Loma7010
Arjun KalaUniversity LabPlymouth7010
Yashwanth BajjiTroyKinkaid8110


2023 PACE NSC06/10/2023Y5100%40%0%64.80