One voyage commanded by this man was stopped for five months on Tahiti while he waited for breadfruit to mature. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this Governor of New South Wales during the Rum Rebellion who faced the mutiny on the Bounty.
ANSWER: William Bligh
[10h] Bligh was sheltered by King Pomare (“poh-MAR-ay”) I of Tahiti, whose name is derived from this disease. Camille Guérin co-developed the BCG vaccine for this disease.
ANSWER: tuberculosis [or TB; or consumption] (Pomare means “night cougher.”)
[10e] The later Queen Pomare IV unsuccessfully appealed to this French king after Tahiti was made a protectorate in 1843. This July Monarch and successor of Charles X was deposed in 1848.
ANSWER: Louis Philippe I [prompt on Louis or Citizen King]
<Veer Bhatt, History - Cross, Historiography, and Miscellaneous> ~21022~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>