In the 1990s, this country signed a series of “Shiprider Agreements” with Caribbean nations allowing its officers to board and search foreign vessels suspected of illegal activity. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this country that invaded Panama in 1989 as part of its “war on drugs.”
ANSWER: United States of America [or United States of America; accept US or USA]
[10h] CARICOM negotiated “Shiprider Agreements” for its members, with the exceptions of Jamaica and this country, who both negotiated individually. In 2021, Sandra Mason was elected as the first president of this country with support from Mia Mottley.
ANSWER: Barbados
[10m] This other American intervention in the Caribbean was codenamed Operation Urgent Fury. This 1983 military action overthrew the Marxist New Jewel Movement in under a week.
ANSWER: invasion of Grenada [accept synonyms in place of “invasion” such as occupation]
<Grant Peet, History - World - Latin American> ~20482~ <Editor: Jordan Brownstein>