Critics of this play suggested that its plot was based on its author’s marriage to Armande Béjart (“ar-MOND BAY-zhar”), the illegitimate daughter of his mistress. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this play in which Arnolphe (“ar-NOLF”) plans to marry his ward Agnès, who ends up falling for Horace (“oh-RASS”) instead.
ANSWER: The School for Wives [or L’école des femmes]
[10m] The author of The School for Wives had earlier prompted threats of excommunication by writing this other play, in which Orgon (“or-GON”) hosts the title religious fraudster.
ANSWER: Tartuffe (“tar-TOOF”), or The Impostor, or The Hypocrite [or Tartuffe, ou l’Imposteur]
[10e] This French playwright wrote The School for Wives and Tartuffe.
ANSWER: Molière (“mol-YAIR”) [or Jean-Baptiste Poquelin]
<Halle Friedman, Literature - European - Drama> ~12579~ <Editor: Joseph Krol>