A cut time piece in this genre begins with the tempo marking Spiritoso over the notes (read slowly) “quarter note C, eighth notes E C, down to quarter note G, quarter note G” in the right hand. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this genre. That piece in this genre was parodied in a different piece titled this genre bureaucratique.
ANSWER: sonatina [or sonatine; prompt on sonata]
[10m] Clementi’s Sonatina Opus 36 No. 1 was parodied by this composer’s Sonatine bureaucratique. This composer wrote a piece with a theme repeated 840 times titled Vexations.
ANSWER: Erik Satie [or Eric Alfred Leslie Satie]
[10e] Clementi’s Sonatina Opus 36 No. 1 is in this major key signature, which has no sharps or flats.
ANSWER: C major
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