Outraged that the British government was sending hundreds of criminals to its American colonies each year, Ben Franklin proposed that the colonists send some of these creatures in return to London. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these creatures that Franklin also depicted in a print reading, “Join, or Die.”
ANSWER: snakes [or rattlesnakes]
[10m] The “Join, or Die” print was made to support this 1754 initiative by Franklin, which called for the creation of a President-General.
ANSWER: Albany Plan of Union [accept answers like the plan proposed to the Albany Congress or Albany Convention]
[10h] A coiled rattlesnake with the motto “Do Not Tread On Me” was used on the flag of a military unit from this state. That same unit from this state fought in a conflict that spawned the Supreme Court case of Luther v. Borden.
ANSWER: Rhode Island (The conflict was Dorr’s Rebellion.)
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