This religion was heavily syncretized with Buddhism, leading to temples being built alongside shrines. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this religion. Honji suijaku theory describes Buddhist deities that are manifested into the omnipresent kami of this Japanese religion.
ANSWER: Shintoism
[10h] This Buddhist sect that studies teachings called Gosho, venerates Gohonzon, and chants words like Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō (“nahm myoh-hoh rehn-gey kyo”). This sect was founded by its namesake in the 13th century, and the Soka Gakkai movement emerged from it in 1930.
ANSWER: Nichiren
[10m] Nichiren Buddhism values this text above all others. The chant Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō (“nahm myoh-hoh rehn-gey kyo”) translates to “Glory to the Dharma of the [this] Sutra.” This Sutra claims that all humans are capable of Buddhahood.
ANSWER: Lotus Sutra
<Veer Bhatt, RMP - East Asian Religion> ~21020~ <Editor: Athena Kern>