In Bwete faith, the Kota people of Gabon rub sand on examples of these statues called ngulu (“nn-goo-loo”) to aid in decision-making. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these statues created by Central African peoples as well as Medieval Europeans that contain body parts or another object important to deceased family or religious figures.
ANSWER: reliquary [or phylactery; prompt on shrines; prompt on relics with “What are they stored in?”]
[10e] This artist claimed that a Fang reliquary was “more beautiful than the Venus de Milo.” This Spanish Cubist denied that he copied a Pende mask for one of the prostitutes in his Les Demoiselles d’Avignon.
ANSWER: Pablo Picasso
[10h] A plinth along the back of Fang reliquaries give them the appearance of this action. A painted limestone statue of an Egyptian scribe from Saqqara is named for performing this action.
ANSWER: seated [accept word forms such as sitting; accept squatting or word forms such as appearing squatted; accept Seated Scribe or Squatting Scribe]
<Ganon Evans, Fine Arts - Sculpture> ~20801~ <Editor: Chandler West>