Political scientist Robert Dahl used the term “polyarchy” to describe a government run under this theory, which he illustrated using leaders in New Haven. For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this political theory named after the multiple interest groups that characterize it. In a government under this theory, non-government groups exert their influence to affect outcomes.
ANSWER: pluralism [or word forms like pluralist; accept, but DO NOT REVEAL, pluralist theory of democracy]
[10e] Pluralism distinguishes a polyarchy from this type of government, whose “representative” form has citizens elect officials to serve them.
ANSWER: democracy [accept representative democracy; reject “republic”]
[10m] Dahl called a group’s influence the “potential” form of this resource. Joseph Nye coined a term for the “soft” form of this resource defined as a group’s ability to shape people’s preferences non-violently.
ANSWER: power [accept potential power; accept soft power; reject synonyms]
<Ethan Ashbrook, Social Science - Other> ~21195~ <Editor: Ganon Evans>