Appius Claudius’s abduction of a woman of this class named Verginia led to legal changes that allowed women to make their own wills. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this commoner social class of Rome that often clashed with the patricians. The Gracchus Brothers were some of their elected “Tribunes.”
ANSWER: plebeians [accept plebs; accept Tribune of the Plebs; accept plebes]
[10h] Description acceptable. Plebs angry at their treatment following the Sabine Wars staged the first of these actions in 494 BCE. The dictator Quintus Hortensius ended the last of these actions in 287 BCE.
ANSWER: leaving Rome [or secessio plebis; accept descriptions or word forms indicating that the plebeians physically leaving the city or seceding; accept plebeians going to Mons Sacer or plebeians going to the Aventine; prompt on not working or striking or not serving in the Army or seceding or protesting]
[10m] This man’s reforms of 107 BCE allowed the proletarii to enlist in the army. This Tribune of the Plebs won the Jugurthine War, but his future rival Sulla captured Jugurtha.
ANSWER: Gaius Marius [accept the Marian Reforms or Gaius Marius the Elder]
<Ganon Evans, History - European - Classical> ~20922~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>