Sara Ahmed applied the notion of “orientation” to this field in a book on its “Queer” form. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this philosophical field whose practitioners used the “bracketing” technique to investigate how the embodied mind perceives ordinary objects.
ANSWER: phenomenology [accept Queer Phenomenology]
[10e] Much of Ahmed’s book analyzes Edmund Husserl’s use of this furniture as an object of phenomenology. This piece of furniture shares its name with grid-like arrangements of data, such as ones used to display truth value combinations in logic.
ANSWER: tables [or desks; accept more specific answers like writing tables or truth tables; accept Tisch]
[10m] Ahmed builds on the “two ways” of looking at tables that this thinker described. This theorizer of “being-in-the-world” failed to protect his Jewish mentor Husserl in the 1930s.
ANSWER: Martin Heidegger
<Jordan Brownstein, RMP - Philosophy> ~20129~ <Editor: Jordan Brownstein>