The Hougoumont Hotel in this city is named for the last convict ship to arrive in Australia. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this state capital that grew rapidly following a gold discovery at Kalgoorlie (“kal-GOOR-lee”). This city was once the capital of the Swan River Colony.
[10e] British convict ships ceased operating with the closure of a convict station in this place. The Peace of Utrecht formalized British control of Minorca and this strategically important territory at the entrance to the Mediterranean.
ANSWER: Gibraltar [accept Rock of Gibraltar]
[10m] Many of the convicts on the Hougoumont had participated in the 1867 Fenian Rising, just like this city’s “Martyrs” who were executed for bombing a police van. The Guardian was founded in this city following the Peterloo Massacre.
ANSWER: Manchester
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