One of these people compiled rules for the board game Rithmomachia, in which you arrange your pieces in a geometric progression to win. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these people who produced illuminated manuscripts. They were led by abbots.
ANSWER: monks [accept more specific answers like Benedictine monks on monastic brothers or Benedictines; prompt on brothers]
[10m] The monk Eadfrith (“ayy-ad-frith”) compiled a notable illuminated gospel book in this monastery on an island off the coast of Northumberland. This monastery was raided by the Vikings in 793 CE.
ANSWER: Lindisfarne monastery [or Lindisfarne Priory or monastery at Lindisfarne]
[10h] Monks copied and illuminated manuscripts in these rooms. Scribes working in one of these rooms at Corbie developed a standardized system called Carolingian minuscule.
ANSWER: scriptorium [or scriptoria]
<Yingzhi Nyang, History - European - Middle Ages> ~19903~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>