Some Western officials speculated that defector Viktor Belenko must have been a double agent because they could not believe how primitive the computers in one of these planes were. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this class of Soviet fighter planes whose “25” variant was flown by Belenko.
ANSWER: MiG [or Mikoyan-Gurevich; accept MiG 25]
[10e] The vacuum tubes in the MiG-25 were more resilient to pulses from these weapons than Western planes. One of these weapons called Little Boy was used on August 6, 1945.
ANSWER: nuclear bombs [or atomic bombs; or hydrogen bombs; or A-bombs; or H-bombs; or nukes; accept fission bombs; prompt on bombs]
[10h] The Soviet electronics industry was helped by Americans Joel Barr and Alfred Sarant, whose actions were tracked in this signals intelligence program. Declassified cables from this program proved Julius Rosenberg’s guilt in the 1990s.
ANSWER: Venona project [accept Venona cables or Venona documents or Venona papers]
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