Answer the following about uses of the word “plume” in earth science, for 10 points each.
[10e] Hotspots are often linked to a hypothesized type of plume named for this layer of the Earth that lies above the outer core.
ANSWER: mantle [accept mantle plumes]
[10h] Emissions from volcanic plumes can lithify into this type of rock that consists of at least 75 percent volcanic ash. After flood basalts, the greatest output of volcanoes by volume is the form of this type of rock that results from rhyolitic ash flow.
ANSWER: tuffs
[10m] River plumes often have high values for this quantity that is inversely related to transparency and can be measured using a Secchi (“SEH-kee”) disk. This quantity describes how cloudy suspended particles make a liquid.
ANSWER: turbidity
<Joseph Krol, Science - Earth> ~21148~ <Editor: David Bass>