This king was found dead in Lake Starnberg next to psychiatrist Bernhard von Gudden in 1886. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this Bavarian king who had been deposed three days before his death following a diagnosis from von Gudden.
ANSWER: Mad King Ludwig [or Ludwig II; or the Swan King; or The Fairy Tale King; or der Märchenkönig]
[10e] Ludwig is perhaps best remembered for constructing an anachronistic one of these buildings in Bavaria with a 90 meter keep and a moat.
ANSWER: castle [prompt on palace; accept Neuschwanstein Castle]
[10h] The issue of a “madness” affecting German despots arose when Ludwig Quidde published an 1894 pamphlet on this much earlier ruler that was widely read as a critique of Wilhelm II. Some stories about this extremely hairy man’s madness center on his fanciful “Floating Bridge of Baiae (“bye-aye”).”
ANSWER: Caligula [prompt on Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus]
<Michael Bentley, History - European - 1500-1900> ~20429~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>