
Answer the following about components of bacterial culture media, for 10 points each.
[10m] The most common medium is a mixture of agar and a broth named for this stage of a virus’s life cycle. During this phase, a virus lies dormant inside the host genome.
ANSWER: lysogeny [or lysogenic phase; or lysogenic cycle; or lysogeny broth; prompt on LB]
[10e] “Chocolate agar” supplements lysogeny broth with a lysate from these human cells, which provide the bacteria some tasty hemoglobin to feast on.
ANSWER: red blood cells [or RBCs; or erythrocytes]
[10h] To select for Gram-negative bacteria, add methylene blue and this pink acidic dye to the broth. A class of white blood cells is named for this dye, which is combined with hema·toxylin in the most common tissue stain.
ANSWER: eosin Y [or eosinophils; prompt on H & E stain]
<Andrew Wang, Science - Biology&gt; ~19281~ &lt;Editor: Adam Silverman>

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St. Mark'sBarrington A0101020
Canyon CrestMaggie Walker A010010
Maggie Walker CCarbondale010010
Chattahoochee BBarrington B010010
Dallas CountySolon010010
West PointDetroit Catholic Central C010010
Detroit Country DayBelmont010010
Thomas Jefferson BDunbar1010020
Elkhorn NorthBelvidere1010020
Choate Rosemary HallHeights010010
Hinsdale CentralThomas Jefferson D010010
Hunter AThomas Jefferson A0101020
Innovation Academy ALincoln-Way East1010020
Chattahoochee AIrvington A1010020
Mira LomaJohns Creek A1010020
Winston Churchill BJohns Creek B010010
Lake HighlandSaint Joseph0101020
Hoover BMaggie Walker B010010
Mercer CountyRockford Auburn B010010
MexicoThomas Jefferson C0000
Carl SandburgMidtown010010
MoberlyJohn Adams B010010
NorrisInnovation Academy B010010
Northmont AParkway West0000
Detroit Catholic Central BNorthmont B1010020
Richard MontgomeryKinkaid010010
Rockford Auburn AWinston Churchill A1010020
WinnebagoStevenson A010010
Stevenson BCincinnati Hills Christian010010
Detroit Catholic Central AUniversity Lab010010
New BrightonWalter Payton010010
WashingtonHunter B010010
WoodlandWilliam Fremd1010020