Answer the following about components of bacterial culture media, for 10 points each.
[10m] The most common medium is a mixture of agar and a broth named for this stage of a virus’s life cycle. During this phase, a virus lies dormant inside the host genome.
ANSWER: lysogeny [or lysogenic phase; or lysogenic cycle; or lysogeny broth; prompt on LB]
[10e] “Chocolate agar” supplements lysogeny broth with a lysate from these human cells, which provide the bacteria some tasty hemoglobin to feast on.
ANSWER: red blood cells [or RBCs; or erythrocytes]
[10h] To select for Gram-negative bacteria, add methylene blue and this pink acidic dye to the broth. A class of white blood cells is named for this dye, which is combined with hema·toxylin in the most common tissue stain.
ANSWER: eosin Y [or eosinophils; prompt on H & E stain]
<Andrew Wang, Science - Biology> ~19281~ <Editor: Adam Silverman>