For 10 points each, answer the following about the Seven Sages of Ancient Greece.
[10h] Plato’s Protagoras debates the claim that it is “hard to be a good man” by Pittacus, the ruler of this island’s city of Mytilene (“mee-tee-LEE-nee”). Lyric poets from this island included Alcaeus.
ANSWER: Lesbos [or Lesvos]
[10m] Athens’s sage was this democratic politician who reformed Draco’s cruel laws by creating the Ekklesia.
[10e] The sage Periander hailed from this city and possibly built its Diolkos, a boat path across its namesake isthmus. The most elaborate Greek column style was named for this city.
ANSWER: Corinth [accept Corinthian Style]
<Ganon Evans, History - European - Classical> ~20855~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>