This author compiled his Anthology of the New Black and Malagasy Poetry a year after a similar anthology by Léon Damas. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this Négritude poet of Nocturnes, who included his poem “Black Woman” in the collection Shadow Songs.
ANSWER: Léopold Sédar Senghor (“LAY-oh-pold SAY-dar sen-GOR”)
[10e] The readership of Senghor’s Anthology was boosted by its prefatory essay “Black Orpheus,” which was written by this French author of the play No Exit.
ANSWER: Jean-Paul Sartre (“sart”)
[10m] Senghor, unlike Sartre, was eventually elected to become one of the 40 “immortals” of this organization, which was founded by Cardinal Richelieu to steer the French language and literary scene.
ANSWER: Académie Française (“ah-cahd-AY-mee frahn-SEZ”) [or French Academy]
<Charles Dees, Literature - World and Miscellaneous> ~12977~ <Editor: Joseph Krol>