At the Compitalia festival, celebrated right after Saturnalia, pigs and honey-cakes were dedicated to some of these deities guarding Rome. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these local guardian deities, including the Augusti and the Familiares. These gods were represented by small dancing male figures, and are often paired with the Penates (“peh-NAH-tayz”).
ANSWER: Lares (“LAH-res”)[be lenient on pronunciation; prompt on, but otherwise do not mention, household gods]
[10m] The Lares were guardians of this place, which for Romans, might include an impluvium and a triclinium. Brownies and domovoi are also guardians of this type of place.
ANSWER: household [or home; accept domus; accept obvious synonyms such as domicile; prompt on more specific rooms in the home like hearth or kitchen with “Can you be less specific?”]
[10e] This Roman goddess of the hearth and home corresponded to the Greek Hestia. The namesake “Virgins” dedicated to this goddess had to keep a flame constantly burning.
ANSWER: Vesta [accept Vestal Virgins; reject “Hestia”]
<Jaimie Carlson, RMP - Greco-Roman Mythology> ~20944~ <Editor: Jaimie Carlson>