An item found at this site in the 1960s was originally thought to be a door pivot, but has more recently been linked to the native Dorset peoples. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this North American archaeological site excavated by the Ingstads. One people established a trade relationship with the “Skraeling” at this UNESCO World Heritage site.
ANSWER: L’Anse aux Meadows (“LAN-see-meadows”) [prompt on Newfoundland or Vinland]
[10e] A cloak pin partly made of this material proved European settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows. The Moche used this alloy of copper and tin, which names an “age” beginning around 3000 BCE.
ANSWER: bronze [accept Bronze Age]
[10m] Another example of pre-Columbian contact is this South American crop, which spread to Polynesia before the arrival of Europeans. In New Zealand, this starchy crop could be cultivated in lands that taro could not.
ANSWER: sweet potato [or Ipomoea batatas; accept yams due to the interchangeability of that term; reject “potato”]
<Michael Bentley, History - Cross, Historiography, and Miscellaneous> ~20594~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>