Answer the following about how to pray during Ramadan while menstruating, for 10 points each.
[10m] If a period starts during the day, the fast must be broken before this evening meal taken after the call for the Maghrib prayer at sunset.
ANSWER: iftar
[10e] While menstruating, one could instead perform dhikr by repeating “Allahu Akbar” 33 times with the help of one of these objects. Christians count Hail Mary’s on one of these objects called the Rosary.
ANSWER: prayer beads [prompt on garland or necklace]
[10h] If the period ends during Ramadan, one could perform one of these full ablution baths before fajr and begin their fast. Muslims have these baths after sex and they are contrasted with partial wudu.
ANSWER: ghusl
<Ganon Evans, RMP - Islam> ~21123~ <Editor: Athena Kern>