A lysate of this animal’s blood is slowly being phased out for recombinant factor C made by microbes. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these so-called “living fossils.” Because their blood is clotted by bacterial endotoxins, it commands high value in the pharma industry and is harvested from these arthropods in horrifying factories.
ANSWER: horseshoe crabs [accept Limulidae or Xiphosura; prompt on crabs]
[10e] Horseshoe crab blood is this color. It has nothing to do with oxygen: human veins only seem to be this color because they are close to the surface of the skin.
ANSWER: blue [or cyan]
[10h] A recombinant form of this protein is also now used in molecular assays, in lieu of the grotesque practice of extracting it from bovine serum. This lipid transporter is the most abundant protein in human blood.
ANSWER: serum albumin [or HSA; or bovine serum albumin; or BSA]
<Adam Silverman, Science - Biology> ~20017~ <Editor: Adam Silverman>