In the Qur’an, Musa watches as a Servant of God sometimes named for this color sinks a ship to prevent its capture by a cruel king. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this favorite color of Muhammad, who was draped in a hibra burd of it after his death. The flags of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan use this color and white.
ANSWER: green [or akhḍar; accept Al-Khiḍr]
[10m] One of the Qur’an’s shortest verses describes two dark green gardens in the Surah Ar-Rahman, a passage whose title is one of these 99 things.
ANSWER: names of Allah [accept names of God; accept word forms or clear knowledge equivalents]
[10h] According to Ibn Sa’d, Muhammad wore green while performing this act of circumambulating the Kaaba counterclockwise seven times. This Arabic term means “to encircle” and is comprised of seven ashwat.
ANSWER: tawaf
<Ganon Evans, RMP - Islam> ~21029~ <Editor: Athena Kern>