Wealth from this industry funded the work of a sculptor with a mysterious degenerative disease, Aleijadinho (“ah-lay-jah-JEAN”). For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this industry whose 18th-century boom in Brazil inspired the name of a state that later dominated the café com leite period with São Paulo. The product of this industry names the law that abolished slavery in Brazil.
ANSWER: gold mining [or mineração de ouro; accept Golden Law or Lei Áurea; prompt on mining]
[10e] Minas Gerais (“MEE-nuss zheh-RICE”) was one of the divisions of colonial Brazil named for this military title. In many languages, including English, this title is used for the commander of a ship.
ANSWER: captain [or captaincy; or capitania]
[10h] Formerly enslaved gold miners formed some of these communities of escaped slaves. One of these places in the Captaincy of Pernambuco was called Palmares.
ANSWER: quilombos (“kee-LOHM-boos”) [prompt on maroon communities]
<Jordan Brownstein, History - World - Latin American> ~20928~ <Editor: Jordan Brownstein>