This character is said to be able to perfectly perceive the “stormy mane of a pony” in the same way most people perceive “a circle drawn on a blackboard.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this paralyzed young man, who develops extraordinary powers of perception and memory after being bucked from a horse.
ANSWER: Funes (“foo-NEZ”) the Memorious [or Ireneo Funes; or Funes el memorioso]
[10e] “Funes the Memorious” was included in this Argentine author’s collection Labyrinths, in which it follows “The Library of Babel.”
ANSWER: Jorge Luis Borges (“hor-HAY loo-EES bor-HEZ”) [or Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo]
[10m] Other Borges characters with exceptional powers of perception include this story’s protagonist Carlos Daneri (“dan-AIR-ee”), who can see everything “from every angle of the universe” from a point on the staircase down to his cellar.
ANSWER: “The Aleph” [or “El Aleph”]
<Will Yaeger, Literature - World and Miscellaneous> ~15056~ <Editor: Joseph Krol>