This artist depicted a trophic ulcer on her foot as it pokes out of a bathtub in the painting What the Water Gave Me. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this Mexican surrealist who spent last years at the Casa Azul in a wheelchair after her leg was amputated.
ANSWER: Frida Kahlo
[10h] Cubist figures with giant feet hold sugarcane in a Wilfredo Lam painting titled for one of these places. The first painting of these places created by a Naïve artist depicts an animal “Surprised!” by a lightning bolt.
ANSWER: jungles [accept rainforests; accept The Jungle; accept la selva; prompt on forests or woods] (The painting is Suprised! or Tiger in a Tropical Storm by Henri Rousseau.)
[10m] A gigantic foot appears below a cactus in Abaporu, a painting by an artist from this country named Tarsila do Amaral. Paul Landowski designed a massive Art Deco statue in this country with outstretched arms.
ANSWER: Brazil [or the Federative Republic of Brazil] (The sculpture is Christ the Redeemer.)
<Ganon Evans, Fine Arts - Painting - World> ~20841~ <Editor: Chandler West>