Answer the following about characters from their depiction in Carol Ann Duffy’s feminist poetry collection The World’s Wife, for 10 points each.
[10e] This man’s wife declares “I keep [his] secret still— / the clever, cunning, callous bastard / didn’t have a soul to sell.” In Goethe’s play about this man, he makes a deal with Mephistopheles.
ANSWER: Faust [accept Doctor Faustus]
[10m] After he loses interest in her, this character’s wife “sawed and pulled and hacked/I wanted silence back.” An 1831 novel ends with this character’s skeleton discovered gripping that of a woman who is hung by an Archdeacon.
ANSWER: Quasimodo [accept Mrs. Quasimodo; prompt on the Hunchback of Notre Dame]
[10h] .The first poem of the collection describes how this “sweet sixteen, never been, babe” “took an axe / To a willow to see how it wept” before cutting a character open. An Anne Sexton poem in “Transformations” named for this character describes an animal’s body filled with stones.
ANSWER: Little Red Riding Hood [or Little Red Cap]
<Jaimie Carlson, Literature - British - Poetry> ~20940~ <Editor: Jaimie Carlson>