In a novel in this language, the protagonist’s family is killed after his neighbors move the body of a collaborator outside their house. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this language used to discuss World War II in the novel The Assault by Harry Mulisch. An author who used this language wrote the oft-quoted line “It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals.”
ANSWER: Dutch [or Nederlands]
[10e] Perhaps the most famous work about the Netherlands under Nazi rule is the Diary of a Young Girl written by this author while hiding in an Amsterdam annex.
ANSWER: Anne Frank
[10m] Anne Frank’s diary entries are addressed to a figure of this name. This is the nickname usually given to a character in Anna Karenina who eventually marries Levin.
ANSWER: Kitty [accept Ekaterina Alexandrovna Shcherbatskaya]
<Joseph Krol, Literature - European - Other> ~18441~ <Editor: Joseph Krol>