Description acceptable. A god’s huge appetite and fierce eyes while performing this action are explained away as the result of eagerness for a wedding. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this action achieved with the help of the Brising necklace, which Thor takes to get his hammer back from a giant who seeks Freya’s hand in marriage.
ANSWER: dressing as a woman [or cross-dressing; or dressing as a bride; or drag; or dressing as Freya; accept answers which replace “dressing” with equivalents like “disguising”; prompt on dressing up or disguising]
[10h] This frost giant ransoms Mjölnir (“myoll-NEER”) in exchange for Freya’s hand in marriage. This giant is killed by Thor immediately after he gets his hammer back.
ANSWER: Thrym [or Thrymr]
[10e] This Norse god of mischief convinces Thor to dress as a woman to get Mjölnir back.
<Jaimie Carlson, RMP - World Mythology> ~20945~ <Editor: Jaimie Carlson>