In colloid physics, this term refers to the repulsion between particles to prevent agglomeration. For 10 points each:
[10e] The attractive van der Waals forces between nonpolar molecules are usually named for Fritz London and what physical process?
ANSWER: dispersion [or London dispersion forces; prompt on LDFs or London forces]
[10m] Just as electrostatics prevent colloids from glooping together, this principle opposes molecular dispersion forces. In other words, this principle explains why fermionic matter does not just collapse into a condensate.
ANSWER: Pauli exclusion principle [or the exclusion principle]
[10h] Whereas the colloidal dispersion force scales with the average particle radius, the London dispersion force scales with the average of this molecular property. When expressed in electron-volts, the Rydberg constant equals this quantity for a hydrogen atom.
ANSWER: first ionization energy [or ionization potential; prompt on I; prompt on work function; prompt on energy]
<Adam Silverman, Science - Chemistry> ~20849~ <Editor: Adam Silverman>