Answer the following about occasions when the New Testament quotes from pagan authors and philosophers, for 10 points each.
[10m] In one of his letters to the church in this city, Paul quotes the play Thais by Menander to argue that faith is futile without the historicity of Jesus’s resurrection. Paul also wrote extensively about love in the 13th chapter of the same letter to this city.
ANSWER: Corinth [accept 1 Corinthians or 2 Corinthians]
[10e] In Acts 17 (“chapter 17”), Paul quotes the line “For we too are his offspring” from the poem Phaenomena by Aratus while addressing the Areopagus in this Greek city. The Parthenon was a temple in this city.
ANSWER: Athens [or Athína]
[10h] This third pastoral epistle quotes a paradox by the philosopher Epimenides (“eh-pee-MEH-nuh-dees”), in which he, a Cretan (“KREE-tun”), claims that all Cretans are liars.
ANSWER: Epistle to Titus
<Jon Suh, RMP - New Testament> ~19300~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>