Gary Webb resigned his job after writing Dark Alliance, a book about how this group caused the Los Angeles crack epidemic with the approval of the CIA. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these anti-communist groups that include the FDN and MILPAS. These groups carried out numerous massacres of civilians in Central America in the 1980s.
ANSWER: Contras
[10e] The Iran–Contra scandal was revealed during the administration of this two-term president, a former actor and Governor of California.
ANSWER: Ronald Reagan [or Ronald Wilson Reagan]
[10h] Support for the Contras was implemented by this Secretary of Defense under Reagan, who was succeeded by Frank Carlucci. This man pushed for a buildup of the Navy through the 600-ship Navy program.
ANSWER: Caspar Weinberger [or Caspar Willard Weinberger]
<Michael Bentley, History - American - 1945> ~19889~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>