In The German Ideology, Karl Marx argued that “Life is not determined by” this phenomenon, but vice versa. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this phenomenon that, in Marxist thought, is said to be “false” when it prevents people from recognizing their true socio-economic position.
ANSWER: consciousness [or Bewusstsein]
[10e] This German thinker coined the term “false consciousness” and co-wrote works like The German Ideology and The Communist Manifesto with Marx.
ANSWER: Friedrich Engels
[10m] The 20th century Marxist György Lukács (“JURJ LOO-kotch”) advanced the concept of “reification” in a book titled for this discipline and “class consciousness.” Marx’s “materialist” approach to this discipline rejects its “great man” theory.
ANSWER: history [accept historical materialism]
<Jordan Brownstein, RMP - Philosophy> ~20127~ <Editor: Jordan Brownstein>